
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Today, I finished reading "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" by J.K. Rowling. It turns out that the "Half-Blood Prince" was the same person I had read in a forum some time ago (with particularly accurate inferences), but my most favourite character in this series died -- or, rather, became a victim of his generous tolerance and confidence in people that don't deserve that much of optimism and confidence from him. What a pity!


London Bridges by James Patterson

There is a certain similarity between the unfortunate bombings in London and the fiction in "London Bridges" by James Patterson. This is an opportunity for me to write a few lines about this book.

What bothers me about James Patterson is that his books are just for entertainment, they don't give you more insight about life or anything else whatsoever. And in this book, the writer's view about terrorism and its roots are not very clear and convincing.

Recently, I read "The Forgotten Man" by Robert Crais, and I think I have finally found a writer who is to some extent like Raymond Chandler, whom I adore.

در ضمن، در حالي كه منتظر انتشار ششمين كتاب هري پاتر هستم، وبلاگ جديدي با عنوان «هري پاتر به زبان فارسي» درست كرده‌ام تا در باره‌ي ترجمه‌ي آن مطالبي بنويسم. علاقه‌مندان مي‌توانند به آنجا هم مراجعه كنند.